Apres une nuit un peu agité bah oui alcool plus musique plus danse sur un podium avec une neo zelandaise et une autrichienne ... Couché tard je crois et reveil vers 7H
A fucking girl put a lock on my locker place where I put my computer and passeport so I must wait she wake up for leaving the bacpack , so I go to take noodles my best lunch now and I can finally get some money so I can pay the bacpack yet .
In the afternoon I decide to go to Manly , I must take the ferry ( if you're friend with me on facebook you can see the pictures ) It was very cool . I arrive in manly it was nearly 14H30 I go to the beach it was wonderfull a perfect wave roll in front of me , idyllic view but there is jellyfish( look on wikipedia to know what it is ) and I cannot swim .
So I go to see the skate shop in Manly , Skater HQ http://www.skaterhq.com.au/ I ask about the manager he already got my resume (cv in france ) in his hand because I put it on the other shop yesterday . We talk a long time and he says he is really interested of . He will call me . So wait and see ...
After that I take a little beer for my enormous "effort" , and I go back to Sydney . On the ferry I was lying on a bank close my eayes and listening music with the sun the wave and the wind it was a great time . And before arrive I heard a french guy talking on phone with a fucking french accent and I talk to him after that , he is called Romain from Bordeau it was funny .
After that I get back to the backpack where I write this message for you before going to another party , lets enjoy mates see ya ...
Dsl je sais pas ce qui ma pris pour les non anglophone bah demmerder vous hein ;)
Yes bel effort, ça doit aider de baigner dedans maintenant ;)
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