Ok that's a fact but keep smiling I'm in australia , it's sunny , I meet new people every weeks .
What's happens this week , not a lot of things even if I was really busy ... So on monday I was going in another room because they were doing something against bedbugs in mine . I just going in the same but on the upper floor , more sunny so not too bad . After that in the afternoon I just going to walk in oxford street and see some good shop of clothes or book . It's a little like "le marais" for those who knows Paris .
On tuesday nothing really interesting just going in the afternoon buy a wheel for my inline skate because I broke a lot of wheels with braking in the street of sydney . And in the evening I was going in The gaff and World bar , meet some good people like everytime I go out .
On wednesday I was going to do slalom with friends under the Harbour Bridge a really quiet place to do skate , Its cool because now sometimes I can do some skate with us in the week it's better than doing that alone and I really like to spent time with us .
I don't really remember what I was doing on Thuesday just the night with for change World Bar and Candys . And later I was going to the flat of a french friend at the 35th floor in a building in the city nice view ;)
On Friday I meet my skates friends in a quiet place behind Darling Harbour , but I only spent a few time with us because I wanna see my friend Nono a little . Together we was going to town al make a video of him juggling with a foot ball and me slalom in the middle of the crossroads during the lighttraffic was on red for cars ... It was really funny time .
On Saturday I wanna go take some ticket for Rugby Match Australie France in Sydney on the 27 of june but the shop was closed . So with another french friend Eric we was going to the Botanic Garden and in front of the Opera not a to bad afternoon and I always like to go in the Botanic Garden . And I meet to girls from chile it was cool .
After that in the night I was going to the Gaff and drink a little to much because I get a wristband with wich I can get all the beer I want all along the night . And when we come back with Anthony another french friend we were surprise because all the main Road of Kings Cross was closed by police . I learn after thats because a man was shotgun in the knee in the middle of this street .
But no worries it's not dangerous the same things can happens evrywhere I think.
And on sunday nothing really special just do some blades with my aussies friends in Hyde Park and Cargo Loung after that with a Norway party with free drinks for all people dressed in red and blue .
That's all folks , and sorry for my poor english I try to Improve that but it's not as easy as I want ;)
Mais dis moi , niveau boulot ça a pas l'air de beaucoup avancer cette histoire.. entertainer, y'a p'tet mieux à faire, non?Dsl d'etre rabat -joie... m'enfin déja suis fier de toi, fier d'avoir un pote qui ait eu les bollocks de se casser en Oz... mais vise un peu de serieux... bises!
RépondreSupprimerJe cherche du serieux depuis que je suis arrive mais je suis un peu unlucky de ce cote la et ca me mine suffisament comme ca ...
RépondreSupprimermais noooon te mine pas ca va bien finir par payer tous tes efforts et puis bon t'es en Australie quoi, pendant que nous on est comme des abrutis à Paris, ne perds pas de temps à te miner et profite!
RépondreSupprimerflower girl dress
RépondreSupprimerflower girl dresses
Robes à la mode
RépondreSupprimerRobes à la mode
Robes à la mode
Robes à la mode
Robes à la mode
L'accessoire, c'est cette petite chose indéfinissable qui fait toute la différence. Le voile qui donne cette grace si solennelle, Robes de mariée les gants symbolisent la pureté, les bracelets et les colliers qui donnent cette touche unique, les accessoires de tête si romantiques Robe de mariages et si tendances. Depuis plus de 30 ans, je travaille avec des artisans afin de composer ces parures qui font toute la différence. Robes de mariage