So what's new on Sunday the 17 it was the Norway national Day that's why in Cargo Loundge for all people dressed as color of norway red and blue they get 1 h of free drinks :)
It's sad but I don't really remember the week after I just know that on Friday I was going to Bondi with Camille a french Friend because their is massive waves not really tall but huge . I take my bodyboard and their is only few people in the water but It was a lot of fun ...
On the night the same day I was going to a friends flat ; Simon and Florent two really funny guys and we take with other friends an "apero" before going to spent a good night in Madam de Bier and Empire .
On Saturday I was invited at the Farewell of Arnaud because he Leaves Sydney for two weeks with his mother and an uncle and taunt . It was really cool with Luce , Sandrine , Camille , Lise , Eric . He mades some "crepes" really good and after that we were going to the swimming pool of his building . Great time with friends just sad there is only french .
On the night I get two new roommates comes from France they just arrive so we dring a little and go to the Bangers and Mash Party , a party that I sell ticket entry . It was funny but I was tired so I was going to bed Early but even if it was their first night they finish in a Strip Club ^^
On monday I bring my two new roomates Phil and Pierre visiting the botanic garden and see the Opera a quiet afternoon and the day after I was going with Suzanne my Aussie Friend under the harbour bridge to do some slalom because on wednesday morning I was wake up at 5:20 am because James Felipe Suzanne and me must do a show for an events in the centenial park at the Centenial Cafe Restaurant for the 30 day of Health and Wellbeing .
It was cooll and so I do my first Shift and Earn my First 50 $
ON thursday night Marco and Suzanne were coming with us to world Bar and Candys , it was a good party but a little short Sooz next time if you read me you must stay more and Dance ;)On friday night I was going to the State Theater with all the guys of rollerblade see a ski and snowboardmovie
On Saturday afternoon I was Invited with all the entertainment manager of Sydney at The glenmore Hotel in the Rocks free drinks and Barbecue between 2pm and 6 pm to introduce us the Scubar , the Sugar Mill and the already famous Cargo ... It was really fun and permit me to know all the others entertainment managers .
And yesterday I was going with my frenchroomates to Rushcutters Bay running and playing football and Cargo lounge at 6 to finish the alone in the Gaff with all the staff ...
That's all folks ^^
Hello boy, alors pas de nouvelles neuves du monde d'OZ pour le mois de Juin? Trop de boulots, de filles ou de soirées?
RépondreSupprimerEspère que tu vas bien et que tout se passe pour le mieux pour toi. Enjoy ;)
Des bisous
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